Bill Patterson on 18 Feb 2005 04:51:59 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] SuSE make

I suspected something could be inadequate because I only got one disk to load.  Is there a site for SuSE isos that provides more than one CD-ROM for install?



Kevin Brosius wrote:
I am trying to install Oracle (yes, still). There were problems on
Mandrake that could not be overcome by lying to it and telling it the OS
was RedHat. Now I am attempting to install Oracle 10g on SuSE 9 (on
another box) but am told by the Oracle installer that it cannot find the
make utility at /usr/bin/make.

Any ideas?

What have you tried?  I don't have any suse systems without make, but I
guess the obvious first question... Is make installed?

And on one of my suse systems, /usr/bin/make is the installed location. 
Run yast/yast2 and use search.  See if make is installed.  If not, and
you plan on using that system to build software, I'd install one of the
development system groups on the machine.  That will get you a large
selection of binaries you need to build software successfully.


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