Art Alexion on 22 Dec 2005 01:47:27 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] enough with OT

Jeff Abrahamson wrote:

>On Wed, Dec 21, 2005 at 03:00:36PM -0500, Chris Marget wrote:
>>I subscribed to this *local* linux list because I wanted to hear
>>from local people about local issues.  Finding a Linux-friendly PC
>>shop, diagnosing weirdness with regional ISPs, and discussing
>>availability of local ISP services (FIOS) seem particularly relevant
>>to a Philly list, and don't seem inappropriate to me.
>>There are lots of lists for Linux issues, but I know of only one
>>where the above mentioned topics might make sense...
>I agree.  I don't think out discussions have wandered offensively off
>topic, and this list is still a good place for expertise on
>linux-related topics.
I was under the impression that on-topic items included open source
software as well as Linux itself.  Some open source software runs on
other platforms.

Also, discussing Verizon may be off-topic, but discussing how to get a
Linux machine to connect to Verizon is no more off-topic than how to set
up MySQL on Linux.  This has never been a "kernel issues only" list.


Art Alexion
Arthur S. Alexion LLC

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