Jason on 28 Jul 2006 05:56:57 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] Re: Verizon FIOS..Any thoughts?

On 7/27/06, gyoza@comcast.net <gyoza@comcast.net> wrote:
I doubt that anyone can give me feedback on this company:

It will take 3 months to recover the cost of the required modem. The
cost, compared to Comcast, is like getting 12 months for the cost of 10
months. The downstream speed is "up to" 3Mbps. I'm guessing that the
upstream speed will be good enough since they also offer VoIP.

Don't forget, they can do QoS on their side to make sure their VoIP services work, where others may have difficulties..

We just got fios installed here the other day (just moved to Marlton),
and thus far, it's been amazingly great.  20M down, 5M up for $39/mo
for 1 year, at which time it goes to $45, or we can downgrade to 10/2
for the $39, or if they have another promo, get on that as well.

How fast?  I downloaded the FC5 dvd iso in 25 minutes.  My download
speed was about 2500 KB/sec.
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