Brian Vagnoni on 11 Dec 2007 01:20:37 -0000 | Very interesting, many things in there state that you really can't run Open Public Access Points that are used by people other than the ones that live in your household. The account holder is also liable for ALL activity on the account either authorized or not. Verizon has similar rules. You are not allowed and agree to not provide internet service to anyone outside of your home. Both are very clear about that. So they are saying that you are responsible from at least a civil point of view for anything that goes on with your account. Example: Teen age boy uses your high speed internet connection to harass a teenage girl. Parents of teenage girl sue parents of teenage boy, you get sucked into the lawsuit as a liable party. I love it; still want your AP Open? Still want to be polite. I personally want to keep my property and stay out of debt. Brian Vagnoni ___________________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- Announcements - General Discussion --