Bob Heise on 25 Dec 2007 09:44:27 -0800

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Re: [PLUG] PCI DSS (data security standard) - networking question

Den Tuesday 25 December 2007 18.36.05 skrev Marc Zucchelli:
> I hope this isn't too off topic.  I've been hosting my client's websites
> for a while, and I want to completely automate the billing, as well I want
> a place for my clients to be able to sign in and update billing/credit card
> info.  The problem I run into is, I believe that if I am to store credit
> card's, I have to be PCI DSS compliant.  Networking isn't one of my strong
> points, so I don't entirely understand the PCI DSS spec, but there is one
> item that concern's me.  Item 1.3.4 of the spec says:
> "Placing the database in an internal network zone, segregated from the DMZ"
> The spec can be found here:


Would maybe running a box with a hypervisor a la xen, with several virtualised 
servers on top of it suffice? You could have your credit card db on one domu 
that is firewalled and your webservers on another domu. So long as your dom0 
is beefy enough it should work, provided the spec doesn't mean separate 

Merry Christmas

> This concern's me because I am simply renting a dedicated server, and it
> appears that this is saying that I have to have another server running
> which is blocked off from the public internet, with a firewall.  It seem's
> the cost's involved are not worth it for my small operation.
> I may be reading into this too much.  There is plenty of popular billing
> software available for webhost's that store the credit card's encrypted
> directly on the public server itself.  I am wondering if I am reading the
> spec wrong, or if all this software isn't compliant after all?
> I would appreciate everyone's thoughts.
> Merry Christmas!
> Marc
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