Christopher S. Aker on 13 Jan 2008 11:19:26 -0800

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Re: [PLUG] Recovering from bad BIOS flash

Adam J. Zion wrote:
> OK, I just flashed the BIOS on my Frankenputer, with what was labeled as the proper BIOS revision, + now it's a boat anchor. It won't even get to the POST screen.
> Any ideas on how I can recover from this? Or is it a total loss?

Hello Adam,

The procedure varies depending on the motherboard.  Be aware that some 
don't have a method to recover from a bad BIOS flash without removing 
the BIOS eeprom and rewriting it with an eeprom writer, or getting a new 
eeprom with the contents already written.

So the question is: what is the motherboard make and model?

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