JP Vossen on 25 Jan 2008 14:04:48 -0800 |
OK, "slightly similar" might be better, but... If you are in a mixed environment and used to Unix'y CLI tools like ps and hate Windows GUI tools, there is a handy tool present in XP2, but not W2KPro. Fortunately I'm not afflicted by Vista, but I'd assume it's there too. C:\> tasklist Image Name PID Session Name Session# Mem Usage ========================= ====== ================ ======== ============ System Idle Process 0 0 16 K System 4 0 40 K smss.exe 752 0 48 K csrss.exe 844 0 3,400 K winlogon.exe 872 0 3,500 K services.exe 916 0 1,704 K lsass.exe 928 0 2,648 K svchost.exe 1100 0 1,268 K svchost.exe 1156 0 1,752 K svchost.exe 1656 0 12,364 K [...] 'tasklist /?' gives lots of options. /M's output is fascinating and illuminating. After a bit of Perl munging it shows 733 unique DLLs in use on my XP2 system right now. It can also do CSV output, which is quite handy, though the memory use numbers have comma thousands separators, which complicates both parsing the CSV and doing any math. (Presumably, tr -d could fix that, though I just used Perl [1].) # Using ActivePerl and C:\> tasklist /M | perl -ne "while ( m/(\w+\.dll)/ig ) { print qq($1\n); }" | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | wc -l 733 C:\> tasklist /M | perl -ne "while ( m/(\w+\.dll)/ig ) { print qq($1\n); }" | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn 63 ntdll.dll 62 USER32.dll 62 RPCRT4.dll 62 GDI32.dll 61 wmfhotfix.dll 61 kernel32.dll 59 ADVAPI32.dll 57 msvcrt.dll 56 VERSION.dll 56 SHLWAPI.dll [...] Enjoy, JP [1] List memory used, sum and name: C:\> tasklist | perl -ne "tr /,//d; $sum += $2 if m/^([\w.+]+)\s.*?([\d,]+) K$/; print qq($2\t$sum\t$1\n);" ----------------------------|:::======|------------------------------- JP Vossen, CISSP |:::======| jp{at}jpsdomain{dot}org My Account, My Opinions |=========| ----------------------------|=========|------------------------------- Microsoft has single-handedly nullified Moore's Law. Innate design flaws of Windows make a personal firewall, anti-virus and anti-malware software mandatory. The resulting software arms race has effectively flattened Moore's Law on hardware running Windows. ___________________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- Announcements - General Discussion --