Brian Vagnoni on 1 May 2008 08:08:50 -0700

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Re: [PLUG] server problem fixed

I bet it's the power supply. Try unloading it, take drives off and only have the mobo powered and see if it stays on longer. You may just have to hook another power supply up to it just to see. There are also cheap power supply testers you can get at micro center if i'm not mistaken. Could also be the case switch, try shorting the atx switch wires together and see if that helps. Another thing to look at is if there is a ups connected to it with power management software running and there is either no communication to the ups hence shutdown, or you may have a defective ups.

My first guess is the power supply is bad, classic symptomology that you described.

Brian Vagnoni
PGP Digital Fingerprint

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-----Original Message-----
From: Eric <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2008 4:46 PM
To: Philadelphia Linux User's Group Discussion List <>
Subject: [PLUG] server problem

I'm curious if someone on this list has some insight into this problem...

One of my clients has a Compaq ProLiant 6400R server (ancient - quad 550 MHZ 
Xeon P3 processors) that suddenly started having hardware crashes.  It runs for 
about 10 minutes then suddenly a black screen.  Immediate reboot does not help 
but If I let it sit for 10 minutes I can reboot it - for about 5 minutes.

It's OS agnostic... Windows, Knoppix, it does not care.

I'm convinced that something is heating up and causing the failure but I have no 
idea what.  All the fans work.

Curiously, when the server crashes it appears that it starts to reboot (CD ROM 
drive light starts blinking).  Also, the bus appears to be reset about every 5 
or 10 seconds.  It's as though the system starts to boot and then something 
resets the bus and it starts all over.

I've removed and re-installed the power supplies, removed the fax card (ISA), 
removed every processor and associated power supply card looking for signs of 
trouble... nothing.

Anybody have any thoughts about how to troubleshoot this further? 
Alternatively, does anyone know any experts that might be available to fix this? 
   I suppose I could call HP but this is so far out of warranty that I'm 
guessing they'd just laugh at me.

#  Eric Lucas
#                "Oh, I have slipped the surly bond of earth
#                 And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings...
#                                        -- John Gillespie Magee Jr
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