Gordon Dexter on 4 Aug 2008 13:16:13 -0700

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Re: [PLUG] Apache 2, PHP, + cgi scripts

Most distros have a relatively simple way of enabling PHP.  For example, 
in Gentoo you just emerge it and then add it as an option in 

What distro are you using?  Have you installed PHP already?


Adam J. Zion wrote:
> OK, here's the issue. I'm trying to set up a test helpdesk software 
> server using linux, and need to configure it to use PHP properly. Right 
> now, when I try to load the setup page for the helpdesk package I want 
> to test- osTicket, if that matters- all I get is a message from my 
> browser asking how to handle the PHP page in question. I imagine that 
> this is b/c Apache 2 isn't handling the PHP page properly.
> So, how do I get PHP configured properly in Apache 2? And are cgi pages 
> handled differently or will they begin working when I get PHP to 
> co-operate?
> Thx.
> --
> Adam Zion, MCSE+I, Registered Linux User #471910
> Si se puede.
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