Christopher M. Jones on 19 Aug 2008 11:45:27 -0700

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Re: [PLUG] [OT] PHP, binary math, password hashing

Sure. But if you look at the source, doesn't it seem to be doing some 
additional bitwise operations on that hash?

First the hash is generated. I can do that using PHP's md5(). But then 
the bits are shifted around, stored into four separate variables, and 
then Xor'd together. So I want to make sure that

1. My hash is bitwise the same as in the source, and
2. I can manipulate the bits in php the way it's done in the source.

Walt Mankowski wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 02:06:11PM -0400, Christopher M. Jones wrote:
>> ANY help would be appreciated. I'm happy to further clarify my questions 
>> for anyone who wants to take me as a project.
> Since it looks like the C code is computing an MD5 hash, could you
> avoid trying to port the old code and just use PHP's own md5()
> function?
> Walt
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