M.Simons on 22 Aug 2008 04:08:22 -0700 |
First East Coast BOINC Meeting BOINC in Research, Science, and Education Location: University of Delaware, Gore Hall, room 115 Date: August 29, 2008 Meeting Description: Volunteer Computing (VC) projects harnesses resources owned by the public and connected to the Internet. BOINC (Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing) is a well-known middleware that supports the VC paradigm. The number of BOINC-based projects has grown to over 70, and the total computing power has grown from 100 TeraFLOPS to 1,200 TeraFLOPS. Several of these projects are supported by industrial partners such as IBM and national funding agencies such as the National Science Foundation. A growing community is looking at BOINC not only to gather large comptuing power but also for research, science and educational purposes. This meeting gathers scientists, students and instructors to discuss the state-of-the-art and new opportunities supported by BOINC and the large community of BOINC volunteers. David Anderson, pioneer of the volunteer computing paradigm and father of the BOINC middleware will open the meeting. Local and international scientists will present achievements and future research and educational opportunities. Registration: Registration is appreciated. Please send an e-mail to Michela Taufer before August 20, 2008 (I'm sure it will be fine to still RSVP after the date.) Parking Directions: You can park at the Center for the Arts Garage (building 14C on this MAP ). This is a pay-to-park garage. The parking fee is ~$8 per day. Gore Hall (building next to 61 on the parking map) is at walking distance from the parking garage. Tentative schedule: 9:00 Coffee and donuts 10:00 Michela Taufer (University of Delaware) - Welcome 10:10 David P. Anderson (UC Berkeley) - Exa-Scale Volunteer Computing 11:00 Trilce Estrada (University of Delaware) - Emulating BOINC Applications with EmBA 11:30 Mark Somers (University of Leiden, The Netherlands) - Leiden Classical - BOINC in Teaching 12:00 Lunch and discussion 1:30 Michael P. Cummings (University of Maryland - College Park) - BOINC as Part of a Comprehensive, Multi-resource Grid Computing System 2:00 Jack Shultz (National Academies) and Andrew Gillette (The Foundation for Computational Learning & Science) - The Invisible Hand and Hidden Markets of the BOINC Community Platform 2:30 Eric Myers (LIGO Hanford Observatory) - Distributed Data and Grid Computing for Inquiry-based Science Education and Outreach 3:00 Discussion and conclusion Contact: Michela Taufer (taufer@acm.org) ___________________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- http://www.phillylinux.org Announcements - http://lists.phillylinux.org/mailman/listinfo/plug-announce General Discussion -- http://lists.phillylinux.org/mailman/listinfo/plug