JP Vossen on 9 Sep 2008 14:11:03 -0700 |
In addition to the /bin/sh dash vs. bash thing ( which came up again at PLUG North last night, mawk vs. gawk came up. Bottom line: Ubuntu comes with mawk instead of gawk. So when your scripts that use 'awk' break on Ubuntu, that's why. Details: Why is this bad? Aside from stuff unexpectedly breaking, according to the man page the mawk is "Version 1.2 Dec 22 1994" which is just a tad old. I say according to the man page because mawk doesn't even support such trivial things as -h, --help, -V, --version, etc... While gawk is arguably "non-standard" (in the same way that all the GNU tools are non-standard but usually just better), it *is* the "standard" on Linux. Except for Ubuntu. mawk is much smaller than gawk, which is probably why they picked it, but the savings is so minimal and the implications such a pain that I can only call this a very bone-headed decision. Perhaps there is a better reason for it, but if so I can't find it. Anyone else know? Later, JP ----------------------------|:::======|------------------------------- JP Vossen, CISSP |:::======| jp{at}jpsdomain{dot}org My Account, My Opinions |=========| ----------------------------|=========|------------------------------- "Microsoft Tax" = the additional hardware & yearly fees for the add-on software required to protect Windows from its own poorly designed and implemented self, while the overhead incidentally flattens Moore's Law. ___________________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- Announcements - General Discussion --