Art Alexion on 27 Oct 2008 09:17:32 -0700

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Re: [PLUG] Lenny & KDE

On Monday 27 October 2008 11:52:20 am Chad Waters wrote:
> I'm a long time Debian user turned Ubuntu convert and I usually stick to
> gnome. I'd suggest playing with it in a VM for a bit. Lenny is frozen, but
> probably won't be released for a while (sometime in 2009?)

Happy with Ubuntu gnome, but disappointed that Kubuntu chose to release the 
upcoming (10/31) version with KDE 4.1 only.  I suppose KDE 4 will be great 
eventually, but it still isn't quite beta, so I disagree with making it the 
default.  As the current 8.04 (hardy) version is not LTS, I was looking for 
something with longer support for KDE 3.5.

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