Fred Stluka on 12 Feb 2009 16:52:18 -0800

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Re: [PLUG] Copying mail folder from one user to another


Based on your proposed solution, it sounds like you are NOT trying
to set up the folder to be permanently shared between two people,
each able to update the single shared copy from their Thunderbird
installation.  You just want to copy it to their installation. 

Forget the index file.  Just copy the mail file (a Thunderbird mail
"folder" is stored as a single mbox-like file) into a directory of
their existing mail tree.  Thunderbird will find it, create a new
index file, and open it correctly.  I do this all the time.

If you need to share a Thunderbird mail "folder" that contains
Thunderbird mail "subfolders", yes, there is a tree of files, one
per folder, with similarly named subdirectories in the file system.

Mail "folder" abc is represented by disk file abc, plus self-
recreating index file abc.msf and subdirectory abc.sbd that
contains all of the "subfolder" files and their indexes.  There's
no bookkeeping hidden elsewhere, like a Windows registry or
anything, so you can also just copy whole trees of such files.
Delete the *.msf index files, or don't bother.  Should work fine
either way.

Fred Stluka -- --
Bristle Software, Inc -- -- Glad to be of service!

K.S. Bhaskar wrote:
> I have a thunderbird folder of mail that I would like to share with
> someone.  What is the best way to copy and share the folder? As things
> stand, I plan to create a tarchive of the folder and its index file,
> have the other person create a new folder with the same name, and
> replace their file and index with the one I provide.
> Is there an easier (less geeky) way?  While I am reasonably geeky (and
> proud of it), the recipient is not.
> Thank you very much, in advance.
> -- Bhaskar
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