Carl Johnson on 30 Jun 2010 14:48:11 -0700

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Re: [PLUG] Skype and QOS

<<So how can I get Skype to not loose bandwidth when I do something else?>>

kinda depends more on what kinda router you have and what kinda QoS is 
in it.

Edmond Rodriguez wrote:
> Can I bring back and old topic?   I am running Skype in Linux again for a while, and I noticed if I do anything with my machine while it is running the sound gets screwed up. 
> Skype on Linux is processor hungry (requires 1Ghz), so I changed the priority to the highest, and set my web browser to the lowest.   Still issues.  Maybe the processor, maybe not. 
> So I ran iftop and watched the bandwidth usage on my DSL (I have a slower DSL).  But there seemed to be lots to spare (on average). 
> So I ran my ancient machine to give some separation from processor issues.  So skype is on my faster machine, running alone, and a web browser on my old machine, both on the same router.   I still get sound issues when loading a big web page, which is I guess because the browser initially is steeling all the bandwidth. 
> I set my router to use "high" priority with Skype in the QOS settings (but my previous experience tells me this is pretty meaningless to set QOS settings on my router). 
> So how can I get Skype to not loose bandwidth when I do something else?
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