bergman on 15 Sep 2010 07:23:28 -0700 |
The pithy ruminations from JP Vossen <> with the subject "[PLUG] kernel config/compile sanity check" were: => I have to reverse engineer what someone at work did before he somewhat => unexpectedly left (with no documentation). Among other things, there is Ouch. => a custom Linux kernel in the mix. I have 10 different build dirs for 7 => different kernel versions (2.6.7 to By 'custom' you mean hacked kernel source, or custom selection of config options? If it's the're stuck (absent source code, version control system, etc). If you're looking to retrieve config choices from a compiled kernel, it may not be so bad. [I'm out of the office right now, doing this from memory, so the following statements will lack many specifics.] Modern Linux kenrnels have the option to embed a compressed copy of the config file in the kernel. That is accessible from /proc on a running system (depending on options), or can be extracted from the kernel binary. Google is your friend... Mark => => Thanks, => JP => ----------------------------|:::======|------------------------------- => JP Vossen, CISSP |:::======| => My Account, My Opinions |=========| => ----------------------------|=========|------------------------------- => "Microsoft Tax" = the additional hardware & yearly fees for the add-on => software required to protect Windows from its own poorly designed and => implemented self, while the overhead incidentally flattens Moore's Law. => ___________________________________________________________________________ => Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- => Announcements - => General Discussion -- => ___________________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- Announcements - General Discussion --