JP Vossen on 16 Sep 2010 21:18:51 -0700 |
Date: Thu, 16 Sep 2010 14:40:14 -0400 From: Michael Bevilacqua<> Subject: [PLUG] Building a command from variables in BASH I know you already solved this, but I couldn't help commenting. I have an ugly line that looks like this: #cat $FILE1 | sed -e 's/ akrdcrc01<->cdp1crc02/ 100003 akrdcrc01<->cdp1crc02/g' | sed -e 's/ ausrcrc01<->cdc1crc01/ 100005 ausrcrc01<->cdc1crc01/g' | sed -e 's/ cindcrc01<->cdc1crc02/ 100002 cindcrc01<->cdc1crc02/g' | sed -e 's/ daldcrc01<->cdp1crc01/ 100004 daldcrc01<->cdp1crc01/g' | sed -e 's/ orarcrc01<->cdp1crc02/ 100000 orarcrc01<->cdp1crc02/g' | sed -e 's/ manrcrc01<->cdp1crc01/ 100007 manrcrc01<->cdp1crc01/g' | sed -e 's/ sdgdcrc01<->cdc1crc02/ 100001 sdgdcrc01<->cdc1crc02/g' | sed -e 's/ syrrcrc01<->cdc1crc01/ 100006 syrrcrc01<->cdc1crc01/g' | sed -e 's/ cdc1crc01<->cdp1crc01/ 100014 cdc1crc01<->cdp1crc01/g' | sed -e 's/ cdc1crc02<->cdp1crc02/ 100015 cdc1crc02<->cdp1crc02/g'> $FILE2 Yup, that's ugly. :-) So, to make it more portable, I did the following: Portable? Or maintainable/readable? function makeVCID() { for i in "100000 orarcrc01<->cdp1crc02" "100001 sdgdcrc01<->cdc1crc02" "100002 cindcrc01<->cdc1crc02" "100003 akrdcrc01<->cdp1crc02" "100004 daldcrc01<->cdp1crc01" "100005 ausrcrc01<->cdc1crc01" "100006 syrrcrc01<->cdc1crc01" "100007 manrcrc01<->cdp1crc01" "100014 cdc1crc01<->cdp1crc01" "100015 cdc1crc02<->cdp1crc02" ; do echo -n '| sed -e 's/ `echo $i | cut -d" " -f2`/ `echo $i | cut -d" " -f1` `echo $i | cut -d" " -f2`/g' ' ; done } I'm not sure that's much better. Also, you are spawning lots of sed sub-shells. Do you really need to? Can't you do something more like this: sed -e 's/ orarcrc01<->cdp1crc02/ 100000 orarcrc01<->cdp1crc02/g' \ -e 's/ sdgdcrc01<->cdc1crc02/ 100001 sdgdcrc01<->cdc1crc02/g' \ -e 's/ cindcrc01<->cdc1crc02/ 100002 cindcrc01<->cdc1crc02/g' \ -e 's/ akrdcrc01<->cdp1crc02/ 100003 akrdcrc01<->cdp1crc02/g' \ -e 's/ daldcrc01<->cdp1crc01/ 100004 daldcrc01<->cdp1crc01/g' \ -e 's/ ausrcrc01<->cdc1crc01/ 100005 ausrcrc01<->cdc1crc01/g' \ -e 's/ syrrcrc01<->cdc1crc01/ 100006 syrrcrc01<->cdc1crc01/g' \ -e 's/ manrcrc01<->cdp1crc01/ 100007 manrcrc01<->cdp1crc01/g' \ -e 's/ cdc1crc01<->cdp1crc01/ 100014 cdc1crc01<->cdp1crc01/g' \ -e 's/ cdc1crc02<->cdp1crc02/ 100015 cdc1crc02<->cdp1crc02/g' \ $FILE1 > $FILE2Gets rid of useless-use-of-cat (I can't believe no one else complained about that :) and I find it a heck of a lot more readable than the alternatives. It's also a LOT more efficient and faster, not that that usually matters with CPUs these days. FWIW, JP ----------------------------|:::======|------------------------------- JP Vossen, CISSP |:::======| My Account, My Opinions |=========| ----------------------------|=========|------------------------------- "Microsoft Tax" = the additional hardware & yearly fees for the add-on software required to protect Windows from its own poorly designed and implemented self, while the overhead incidentally flattens Moore's Law. ___________________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- Announcements - General Discussion --