Lee Marzke on 16 Oct 2010 16:49:24 -0700

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Re: [PLUG] Best voip service to have a us number abroad

That's true of any VOIP I can think of. The VOIP phone would just 'register' with the VOIP service using a username/password, and the existing phone number would
then ring the phone no matter where it is located.

I use Vitelity.net for VOIP to both hardphones and Asterisk, as well as their vFAX service. Their e911 service is optional, and thus you wouldn't have to pay extra for that when
it doesn't work Internationally.


On 10/16/2010 07:44 PM, Casey Bralla wrote:
A guy I work with once took his vonage box to china and got calls without any
problems.  People just dialed his Philly-area number and it rang in china.

On Saturday 16 October 2010 5:23:00 pm Amul Shah wrote:
Does anyone have any experience with using a voip service with a us number
abroad? My in-laws were planning on using magic jack like other family
members. After the recent discussion about magic jack, I don't want them
using it.

Any pointers would be appreciated.
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"Between subtle shading and the absence of light lies the nuance of iqlusion..."  - Kryptos

Lee Marzke,     lee@marzke.net                              http://marzke.net/lee/
IT Consultant, Global App Development, Sofware CM, VMware, VSphere, NetApp storage
voice: +1 484-961-0369     +1 800 393 5217                     sip://lee@4aero.com
fax:  +1 484-348-2230

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