Carl Johnson on 14 Nov 2010 13:34:51 -0800 |
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Re: [PLUG] Too Funny |
how I read it.. "Microsoft says a Windows-based supercomputer has broken the petaflop speed barrier, but the achievement is not being recognized by the group that tracks the world's fastest supercomputers, *because the machine blue screened before a successful test could be completed.* " "Sean M. Collins" <> wrote: >Some good red meat for us F/OSS fans on a Sunday afternoon. > > > >"Microsoft says a Windows-based supercomputer has broken the petaflop >speed barrier, but the achievement is not being recognized by the group >that tracks the world's fastest supercomputers, *because the same >machine was able to achieve higher speeds using Linux.* " > >-- >Sean Collins >Core IT Pro, LLC > >___________________________________________________________________________ >Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- > >Announcements - > >General Discussion -- > -- Sent from my Android powered wireless handheld device ___________________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- Announcements - General Discussion --