Lee Marzke on 7 Jun 2011 16:52:39 -0700 |
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Re: [PLUG] IPV6 day on FIOS |
On 06/07/2011 07:38 PM, Joe Terranova wrote:
I haven't heard anything about Verizon rolling out native IPV6 tomorrow, so your only real option is to use a tunnel. The most popular I know of is tunnelbroker.net, which is a free tunnel provided by Hurricane Electric. Joe Terranova
So if I tunnel through my existing router to an Ubuntu box then my existing IP4
websites would not get broken. That is great.I have a Vyatta router partially setup, so perhaps I can destination NAT one of my public IP4 IP's to Vyatta, and run the tunnel broker there, and then have an internal
IP6 network behind Vyatta ? http://www.excaliburtech.net/archives/198 Lee
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