Casey Bralla on 27 Oct 2011 02:26:13 -0700 |
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[PLUG] Multiple Mounts on 1 Partition? |
Following up on my posts about SSD's and HDD's, I will want to mount multiple directories on an SSD, while also mounting multiple on directories on an HDD. To the best of my knowledge, this cannot be done. (You have to mount each directory to a unique partition.)
Since the SSD is so small, I don't want to squeeze the files into several small partitions, any one of which may run out of room while the other partitions still have plenty of space.
So, what I _WANT_ to do is:
mount /boot on /dev/SSD mount /usr/bin on /dev/SSD (same partition as /boot) mount /home on /dev/HDD mount /bin on /dev/HDD (same partition as /home) etc,etc
Anybody know if there is a way to mount multiple directories on the same partition while still preserving the normal Linux File Standard? --
Casey Bralla Chief Nerd in Residence
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