Doug Stewart on 8 Jun 2012 12:01:55 -0700

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Re: [PLUG] Linux Gaming

You can pay as little as $.01, but then you don't get Bastion, Super
Meat Boy, Lone Survivor or Braid this go-round.

I have participated in most HB's thus far (with the exception of the
first Android one, I think, and the Botanicula debut -- I had all of
the games covered in it). The only one I felt slightly gypped by was
the Humble Mojang Mojam, which resulted in one slightly-playable game
from Mojang, one stupid shooter made in the Unity engine, a
Windows-only game and a decent soundtrack.

All of the rest of them, Humble Bundles I-V have been awesome, as have
the Frozen Synapse bundle, the Frozenbyte one, the Voxatron one, and
the Introversion one.

ALL of the Humble Bundle games have been available DRM-free since the
beginning, so you could borrow a copy from someone who bought one and
test it out to see whether it floats your boat before dropping
regular-price dollars on them.

Also keep an eye on -- they run periodic indie
bundles, none of which reach the HB status and some of which don't
have a lot of Linux ports available, but you can get some decent games
for decent prices at various points.

Standouts of the HBs, at least on my Mac, have been Jamestown, Cave
Story+, Bastion, Braid, Frozen Synapse, Binding of Isaac and

Also, consider tossing a fiver in for Dynamite Jack -- it's a nifty cross between the
old top-down NES Metal Gear games, Lode Runner, and Bomberman.

On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 2:46 PM, Steve Shim <> wrote:
> is it free? or do you have to buy a license or pay for a subscription?
> -Steve
> On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 2:44 PM, Jay Dobies <> wrote:
>> On 06/08/2012 02:44 PM, Steve Shim wrote:
>>> i know that there has to be some decent games for Linux, can anyone
>>> recommend any?
>> Minecraft runs reasonably well. It's not just for Linux but I work with a
>> number of people who play on Linux.
>> --
>> Jay Dobies
>> Freenode: jdob @ #pulp
>> |
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