r m on 20 Jun 2012 15:29:57 -0700
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[PLUG] Recommend: cheap server suitable for virtualization?
- From: r m <rmsolino@gmail.com>
- To: plug@lists.phillylinux.org
- Subject: [PLUG] Recommend: cheap server suitable for virtualization?
- Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2012 18:29:51 -0400
- Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=gmail.com; s=20120113; h=mime-version:date:message-id:subject:from:to:content-type; bh=ZAvTek3su2SF6jmnptkaX2v38A6HN0UbcN0LWmL3Rho=; b=jt84aatzoh1JBN3D3+RKgnKZ3SM3Y5Oa849nil3sFdLyDFYCwp1UgdCvyrjDFPyeQp OjlwbpK3dmRcpAxb4pXZ54G2Dxaw1RgcNW1LYkJoF1QvlN0I3BTniZnoKRq/UiM8FMaz tFJxipqRJWiexgKQ41g+ocgCADfio4lImeveU4+jO0gucTl7FKqI5HBobH9fjhqsUsoW iaC2zwzriowX5+TG44Yp6/4WVV7otMaoCrZIZ+GKWhniGf92YucGBe3FssfCRDQLucnw aPJ9SqyJ069/XfrOJyCzrJpWjAKUyMwxxK75QDD6Sv2Ej/b/QXzRX3r56mDoVLQzSibV PyZg==
- Reply-to: Philadelphia Linux User's Group Discussion List <plug@lists.phillylinux.org>
- Sender: plug-bounces@lists.phillylinux.org
I have a VPS "in the cloud". I'd like to back it up to something at home, and it'd be even cooler if I could boot/play/mirror with it.
(It's a PAE kernel under Xen as far as I know).
What's a good/cheap hardware platform I can set this up on? (and then setup another VM to dev on?)
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