Hi, I decided I want to reimage my aging dell netboot with Debian stable instead of the installed ubuntu because debian is a little bit lighter weight and this old machine is rather slow. I thought I would get some speedier performance with debian. I backed up my home directory onto my desktop using scp -r, but I had encrypted my home directory when I installed ubuntu. it seems when I copied the directoy with scp it is still encrypted:
michael@akira:~/laptop/michael$ ls -alh
total 40K
drwx------ 8 michael michael 4.0K Jan 24 23:04 .
drwxrwxr-x 3 michael michael 4.0K Jan 24 20:01 ..
drwxr-xr-x 2 michael michael 4.0K Jan 24 20:13 Desktop
drwxr-xr-x 3 michael michael 4.0K Jan 24 20:01 Documents
drwx------ 2 michael michael 4.0K Jan 24 23:04 .ecryptfs
drwxr-xr-x 3 michael michael 4.0K Jan 24 23:04 .local
drwx------ 3 michael michael 4.0K Jan 24 23:04 .macromedia
drwx------ 42 michael michael 12K Jan 24 23:04 .Private
michael@akira:~/laptop/michael$ du -sh
104G .
I believe that is my complete home directoy, It looks to be the right size, but it is still encrypted on the desktop pc I copied it to. I still have the password, how do I decrypt my backup? Obviously I don't want to reimage my netbook until I am sure my backup is complete and intact. Thanks folks.
Michael Lazin
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