Paul L. Snyder on 3 Aug 2015 12:52:14 -0700 |
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[PLUG] [plug-announce] Additional Notes for Wed, Aug 5, 2015: PLUG Central - "The Arch Way: Simplicity Is King" by Jason Plum (7pm @ USP) |
----- Forwarded message from "Keith C. Perry" <> ----- From: "Keith C. Perry" <> Subject: Re: [PLUG] [plug-announce] Wed, Aug 5, 2015: PLUG Central - "The Arch Way: Simplicity Is King" by Jason Plum (7pm @ USP) Philadelphia Linux User's Group Discussion List <> Date: Mon, 3 Aug 2015 15:03:11 -0400 (EDT) Just some additional information... Since this month's meeting will be broadcast via Google Hangouts there are a couple of additional notes... * For remote users, there will be two ways to view. We'll have the standard broadcast YouTube link which will be published to the list around 7:45 and also the G+ hangout link if you want to participate (which will be published at the same time). The G+ link will be first come first serve until the slots are full. * G+ participants will be muted and invisible during the presentation however they will be able to post questions via the hangouts group chat function that will be viewable during the Q&A. Jason will be taking questions from both the Central audience and G+. People will also be monitoring IRC so if you are on the YouTube link you'll probably be able to get your questions to him via the PLUG channel. * For Central's audience, we ask that during the presentation mobile devices and other electronics be silenced. Additionally, do NOT connect to the YouTube or Hangout links . The possibility of runaway feedback a very real and it would result in having to restart the hangout. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Keith C. Perry, MS E.E. Owner, DAO Technologies LLC (O) +1.215.525.4165 x2033 (M) +1.215.432.5167 From: "Paul L. Snyder" <> To: Sent: Monday, August 3, 2015 2:33:57 PM Subject: [PLUG] [plug-announce] Wed, Aug 5, 2015: PLUG Central - "The Arch Way: Simplicity Is King" by Jason Plum (7pm @ USP) PLUG Central will be meeting on Wednesday, August 5, at USP in Philadelpha, beginning at 7pm. Directions to the meeting location at the University of the Sciences in Philadelphia can be found at the end of this email. This month's meeting will feature a talk by Jason Plum on the Arch Linux distribution. Jason has previously given versions of this talk at both PLUG North and PLUG West, and will present to PLUG Central remotely, via Google Hangouts. The Arch Way: Simplicity Is King For those who do not know Arch Linux, or where it fits into the ecosystem and their own use cases, this presentation and discussion will aim to explain the beauty of the distribution's philosophy and implementation of its primary objection: K.I.S.S. This will be valuable to Linux users at all levels of experience. The meeting will be held at our usual location: University of the Sciences in Philadelphia (USP) Griffith Hall (Room "C" or "A", look for the signs) 600 South 43rd Street Philadelphia, PA 19104-4495 USP is located in University City. Driving directions are available at, or, both of which have an aerial view of the campus buildings. USP is also easily accessible by public transportation. There will be an open Question & Answer session at 7PM, prior to the main presentation at 8PM. This is an open meeting; all are welcome and encouraged to attend. Usually, a number of members get together after the meeting at a nearby restaurant for food and perhaps a beer or two. Come join the camaraderie! _______________________________________________ plug-announce mailing list ----- End forwarded message ----- _______________________________________________ plug-announce mailing list ___________________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- Announcements - General Discussion --