Rich Mingin (PLUG) on 22 Dec 2015 08:44:24 -0800 |
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Re: [PLUG] Windows 10/UEFI/SecureBoot |
Does MS actually restrict SecureBoot with it's WIn 10 install?I know that SecureBoot is notoriously difficult to disable/turn-off, but I've never read anywhere that it is completely and permanently enabled when an OS is installed.Talking with someone today, he mentioned that a laptop he had with Win 10 prevented his computer from booting from a flash drive to dual boot.When I questioned him about it, he said that SecureBoot toggle is disabled when WIn 10 is installed. I personally am not willing to "upgrade" to Win 10 to test this out, but I'd love to have some proof that this guy is wrong.
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