K.S. Bhaskar on 2 Jun 2017 11:38:06 -0700

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Re: [PLUG] [OT - sort of] Small business services that use free / open source software

Thanks. Yes, I did read Jonathan's articles, and also a 2013 PC World article. I'm aware of https://ofbiz.apache.org/ and https://ledgersmb.org/ though they're overkill for what I need - a couple of hours a month with Gnucash, and perhaps a half day every quarter, would suffice for me; it's just that I would prefer to spend that time doing something else. So, I'm looking for a local accounting service provider that uses free / open source software.

-- Bhaskar

On Fri, Jun 2, 2017 at 2:25 PM, Michel van der List <plug@vanderlist.com> wrote:

I know that the editors at lwn.net did a review of some of these (I think including gnucash) at some point. Perhaps it's worthwhile reaching out and seeing if they're still using it.

On 06/02/2017 02:13 PM, K.S. Bhaskar wrote:
I'm incorporating a small business and am looking for someone to provide accounting & related services. While I have several recommendations, I wonder whether there are any services in the area that use free / open source software like Gnucash instead of proprietary software like Quickbooks. Thanks in advance for pointers.

-- Bhaskar

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