Jonathan Simpson on 23 Aug 2017 18:18:58 -0700

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[PLUG] FOSSCON 2017 is THIS weekend!

Hello PLUG!

FOSSCON 2017 is rapidly approaching!

If you haven't already seen it, you can check out the days schedule,
or our list of talks and speakers. We also have a number of lightning
talks lined up but space is still available if you would like to
submit your own lightning talk!

If you're looking for even MORE FOSS fun, on Sunday the 27th you can
join us at Hive76 for HACK FOSSCON 2017.

For details on all the above events and schedules, see

Want to talk to other FOSSCON attendees, volunteers, and speakers?
Join us on the freenode IRC network in #fosscon. If you don't have an
irc client, you can use freenode's webchat client by visiting If you'd like more
details leading up to the event you can follow @fossconNE on twitter.

We're all looking forward to this years event! Looking forward to
seeing you all Saturday August 26th at 9am for registration!

The FOSSCON team.
Philadelphia Linux Users Group         --
Announcements -
General Discussion  --