Eric Lucas on 4 Oct 2017 20:04:40 -0700

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[PLUG] A-D Converter from Behringer


My A-D / D-A / USB device is a Behringer "U-Control" "UCA-202" 

This is the unit I have:

In answer to your question, it has:
"High-resolution 48 kHz converters for high-end audio quality" 

If you search Amazon for -> behringer uca202 <- you'll find a host of 
related devices.

I've found it very good. Note: years of too-loud rock & roll and long hours at gun 
ranges have "somewhat reduced" my hearing - so YMMV.

One tip: don't connect the speakers or headphones until after it's connected
to the computer and it is powered on.... the power-on thump is substantial
as you might expect.


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