Will on 15 Oct 2017 19:56:34 -0700 |
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Re: [PLUG] Hey PLUG organizers...want a tech talk on NTPsec? |
NTPsec 1.0 shipped this last Monday. You can read more about it at
https://blog.ntpsec.org/2017/10/10/ZZZ-after-first-ship. html
I think I could give a pretty interesting talk on fixing Internet time
service - the archeology, the problems, the surprises, the
discoveries. Will be of special interest to large-site system
administrators, especially those who've been bitten by NTP security
problems in the past.
I'd like to do this for the largest possible audience, and I'd be quite
happy for it to be recorded and webcast.
<a href="" href="http://www.catb.org/~esr/" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank">http://www.catb.org/~esr/">Eric S. Raymond</a>
No one who's seen it in action can say the phrase "government help" without
either laughing or crying.
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