Greg Helledy on 15 May 2018 12:13:42 -0700

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Re: [PLUG] Heads-up, PGP/GPG users: critical security flaw, disable it in email clients NOW

But we've already known for years and years that HTML markup in email is
an atrociously bad idea.  It's a worst practice.  Which is why I've
said for an equal number of years that HTML markup in email is used by
three groups of people: (1) ignorant newbies who don't know any better
(2) ineducable morons who refuse to learn (3) spammers.  There are no

Unrelated to PGP, what bothers me is webmail that doesn't let you fully disable HTML. I can't stop companies from sending me emails full of HTML-downloaded content, but I should be able to stop it downloading.

Greg Helledy
GRA, Incorporated
P:  +1 215-884-7500
F:  +1 215-884-1385
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