Paul L. Snyder on 7 Jan 2019 11:50:29 -0800 |
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[PLUG] [plug-announce] Tue, Jan 8, 2019: PLUG North - "Mars or Bust!" by John Ashmead (6:30pm at CoreDial in Blue Bell) |
PLUG North will be meeting on Tuesday, January 8 at CoreDial's offices in Blue Bell, beginning at 6:30 pm. Directions to the meeting location can be found at the end of this email. This month, PLUG welcomes John Ashmead, who will be giving a talk entitled "Mars or Bust!" Mars: Why do we want to go? How do we get there? How do we live there? What might we find? What are the dangers: radiation, low gravity, dust, our fellow humans? Is there life on Mars now? Was there once? and did our own evolution actually start on Mars? And the Linux connection? Linux has been used for at least one NASA rover <>. At 6:30, prior to the main meeting, we'll assemble in CoreDial's game room for shuffleboard, pool, and conversation The meeting will take place from 6:30-9pm (6:30-7 games and conversation, 7-8 General Q&A, 8-9 Presentation) at CoreDial's office space in Blue Bell, PA. CoreDial ( 751 Arbor Way Blue Bell, PA 19422 Directions and other information are on our website: _______________________________________________ plug-announce mailing list ___________________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- Announcements - General Discussion --