Casey Bralla via plug on 9 Nov 2020 10:35:04 -0800
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- From: Casey Bralla via plug <>
- To:
- Subject: [PLUG] 32-Bit Linux
- Date: Mon, 9 Nov 2020 13:34:51 -0500
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- Reply-to: Casey Bralla <>
- Sender: "plug" <>
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On 11/9/20 11:49 AM, jeffv via plug wrote:
> 11 Linux Distributions You Can Rely on for Your Ancient 32-bit Computer
One of the listed distributions is Gentoo. I've finally gotten Gentoo
loaded on a Pentium III w/ 512 MBytes RAM. It was a very difficult
ordeal. Theoretically, you can build a 32-bit system with Gentoo, but
almost any recent desktop environment or browser will require 64-bit
libraries and/or a processor capable of sse2 instructions to build on
It's bad enough that __I'm__ a dinosaur, but now one of my favorite old
laptops is too! :)
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