Keith C. Perry via plug on 24 Feb 2021 06:35:36 -0800 |
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Re: [PLUG] Security Camera Monitoring Software Recommendation Wanted |
I've messed with Shinobi a bit (, but always find myself going back to ZoneMinder. ZM works fine-ish, though I usually end up trying to find something new and more efficient. I've had some issues over the years with ZM just being a hog for system resources once you start running a few 1080 streams. Frankly, the reason I go back to ZM so much is there isn't much out there for FOSS camera/security that isn't a cobbled together mess.-CTOn Wed, Feb 24, 2021 at 8:31 AM Casey Bralla via plug <> wrote:I'm inspired to setup a bunch of security cameras now that I got an
ESP32-CAM module working.
I've seen ZoneMinder and C-MOR, but am wondering if anyone on the list
has a recommendation. I'm not really looking for a "commercial grade"
monitor, just something that I can mess around with and stick a bunch of
cheap cameras looking out the window to protect my house.
Anybody got a recommendation?
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