PaulNM via plug on 22 Feb 2022 14:22:55 -0800 |
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Re: [PLUG] du,sed,sql,free tools |
Oh wow, never knew about sort's -h and -k options. I've always had to use du without -h if I wanted sort's output to be usable. Anyone using du may also want to take a look at ncdu. Ncdu is a small, lightweight ncurses version of du. The screen is already sorted, you can navigate in/out of folders, and the display includes a simple bar chart (of #'s) to show items relative size to each other. You can switch the chart display between chart, percentage, both, and none via the "g" key. You can also delete stuff from within ncdu. Another useful tool for space management is any graphical program using treemaps. Treemaps are VERY useful for finding folders that are wasting a great deal of space, but not so much so that they stand out in du/ncdu output. For me it's often old projects or one-off backups I made that I no longer need. - PaulNM ___________________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- Announcements - General Discussion --