Walt Mankowski via plug on 25 Jan 2023 18:49:13 -0800

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Re: [PLUG] My Holy Quest for a WYSIWYG HTML Word Processor

On Wed, Jan 25, 2023 at 02:43:18PM -0500, Casey Bralla (Mail List) via plug wrote:
> I'm not really concerned about making HTML.  I really just want some
> type of "tagged" language so I can see the tags and understand how they
> effect the text.  HTML or XML seems like the way to do this, but it can
> be 100% proprietary tags, as long as I can easily read them.
> My basic complaint with Libreoffice or Word is that it does stuff and I
> haven't got a clue why it's doing it.  (Word is really bad at this when
> you are modifying someone else's template.  Ugh!!)

If it bothers you that a word processor does stuff and you don't have
a clue why, then maybe TeX/LaTeX isn't the system for you! It's got
its own ideas about how to best layout the pages in a document.
Generally it does a great job. But sometimes you'll want to, say, put
a figure at the top of one page, and LaTeX will insist it wants to put
it on top of another page. Convincing it to put them where you want is
a dark art.

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