Walt Mankowski via plug on 22 Feb 2023 16:35:26 -0800

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[PLUG] Bunches of comcast.net addresses unsubscribing

Hi everyone,

Yesterday afternoon I received notices that 8 addresses had
unsubscribed from the mailing list. Suspiciously, all of them had
comcast.net addresses. Today 2 more addresses were unsubscribed, also
both from comcast.

When this has happened in the past, it's been an indication that
there's been some sort of problem, so I've gone ahead and resubscribed
them all. None of them were addresses I recognized, but there are 100s
of addresses subscribed and it's possible they were either old
addresses or their owners are just reading the list.

It does seem odd though. Is anyone aware of any recent changes that
might be causing these addresses to get unsubscribed?


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