N. Albert via plug on 26 May 2023 03:27:12 -0700

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Re: [PLUG] Backing up Windows to Linux

On 5/26/2023 5:55 AM, Rich Freeman via plug wrote:
I have a few Windows PCs I care about, and so I want to back up data.
They're generally not powered on 24x7, as they're typically things
like tablets, desktops, etc.  While I do strive to keep the
obviously-important stuff stored on network shares on linux hosts,
Windows software tends to stick stuff in local places
This may or may not work well for you, but if you use roaming profiles, 
then all your application data can live in a central location. If you 
have a domain, I think this is easier. Some companies/orgs do this.
I use Windows on all my workstations, and I store everything important 
on central file servers and only back those up. If I were to lose a 
workstation, it would be no significant loss for me - inconvenient, 
perhaps, but no data is lost.
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