Casey Bralla via plug on 5 Jun 2023 05:59:31 -0700 |
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Re: [PLUG] tcpdump shows network traffic when no interface is connected |
I often stumble into areas that are waaayyyy over my head in
Linux. And in my ignorance, I frequently break things.
For me, that's the joy of working with Linux because I therefore LEARN things. I often ask "stupid" questions and (occasionally) finally figure the problem out (even though I often have created the very problem I'm trying to solve).
I've also used network sniffing to try to understand what the heck is going on. A majority of the time, a large percentage of those network records make no sense to me. Occasionally, however, they have led me to the "a ha!" moment I was searching for.
Windows is "don't touch". Linux is "touch! Please!". The
downside is that touching can break stuff. But as long as you're
not working on the corporate mail server, who cares?
I'm startled by such attitude. Seems it does not belong in an otherwise friendly forum such as PLUG.
On Mon, Jun 5, 2023 at 1:57 AM nick pitlosh via plug <> wrote:
___________________________________________________________________________While i will answer this question, posting random packet captures for explanation to any mailing list is not appropriate. you shouldnt even bother using packet captures if you haven't any basic idea of how to interpret the results or how ip networking functions. you should take an intro to networking class, watch a youtube video or two, and read the fucking manual, before considering asking another human being to explain things to you. if you really dont care to do the work of learning yourself, you should pay someone else for their time. any answer you are given about this subject is going to be insufficient for you, as you dont have the knowledge or experience necessary to make the answer useful. Further, what you are doing is looking for explanations for a problem you dont have, and grasping for attention, not clarity. using all the tools that come with gnu/linux incorrectly will produce all kinds of confusing output, it is not another persons role to explain it to you. unless you are paying them.
now that i have wacked your hand with a ruler, i'll offer you the bitter sugar you asked for, however unsatisfying it may be.this is loopback traffic. your computer is attempting to resolve a network time server (among other things). it is failing to do so. this is expected behavior, and by design.
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