Casey Bralla (Mail List) via plug on 12 Jun 2023 05:23:03 -0700
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[PLUG] How to Eliminate a CR-LF-Space 3-Character Sequence from a Text File?
- From: "Casey Bralla \(Mail List\) via plug" <>
- To: "PLUG Philadelphia Linux Users Group" <>
- Subject: [PLUG] How to Eliminate a CR-LF-Space 3-Character Sequence from a Text File?
- Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2023 08:22:49 -0400
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- Reply-to: "Casey Bralla \(Mail List\)" <>
- Sender: "plug" <>
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I'm trying to manipulate my on-line caldav calendar data, but am having
trouble with some of the formatting of the raw calendar file. I need
help in removing a CR-LF-Space 3-character sequence from the downloaded
I'm using a wget command to download the calendar file, which works
well. Unfortunately, when caldav dumps the "DESCRIPTION" element, it
limits it to 72 columns, and adds a CR-LF-Space to continue the data
field. I'm looking for a way to eliminate this 3-character sequence
from the wget'd file. If I could do that, each data element would be on
a single line, and very easy to parse and manipulate.
My first thought was to pipe wget through sed, but sed deals with
individual lines, and so it never sees the CR-LF-Space sequence on a
single line and therefore can't do a substitution on it.
I could also write a python script to edit the data, but that seems too
complicated. I assume there must be a simple way to edit this sequence
using a sed-equivalent that works on entire files, not just individual
lines. Ideally, I'd do this as a piped operation when I wget the file.
How can I easily (simply) search and replace a CR-LF-SPACE 3-character
sequence from a text file using the command line?
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