brent saner via plug on 14 Jul 2023 12:42:57 -0700

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Re: [PLUG] openssl certificate with start and end date

On Fri, Jul 14, 2023 at 2:51 PM Rita via plug <> wrote:
Is it possible? 

Of course it's possible; it's part of the X.509 spec.

Specifically, the notBefore and notAfter ASN.1 properties.

Now, creating a certificate via the openssl program is a different matter. One-off-creating certs like that don't let you do anywhere close to 1/8 of what you can do for X.509 certificates.

For this particular request, however, you'll need to use the -startdate and -enddate arguments of openssl ca, not openssl x509.

If you do a lot of certificate generation, though, I'd recommend turning up HashiCorp Vault. Their PKI support is great.
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