N. Albert via plug on 5 Dec 2023 14:13:11 -0800

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Re: [PLUG] OpenSMTPD RFC 2822 Error

I like running my own mail servers, though I've always found Postfix and Exim a real pain to configure. More than once I've done so improperly with unintended consequences. Even as I type this, I have an issue on one machine where exim is not more aggressively retrying sending mail through my main relay server, resulted in very delayed or unsent messages stuck in queue. I've found it way easier to write my own mail server from scratch - the RFCs are a lot easier to understand than postfix/exim configs, and I have a much better understanding of how everything works and what to configure than I would otherwise. Troubleshooting is way easier when it's your code on both sides of the connection.
Yes... sometimes I suffer from NIH syndrome...

On 12/5/2023 2:51 PM, JP Vossen via plug wrote:
"eMail servers are complex beasts."  Yup.  And we've had advice on this list about... "and don't do that, it's too painful."  I've been running Postfix for home use for, I forget, decades at least, and I've found that low volume home use is not that big a deal if you're an IT geek.  It's certainly not a Mom&Pop service.

It won't be ready to help Casey now, but Michael Lucas (_Absolute FreeBSD_ and many others) is working on a book:
* Technology stack|https://mwl.io/archives/22911
* Sponsorship Open: “Run Your Own Mail Server”|https://mwl.io/archives/22665

On 12/5/23 11:01 AM, Casey Bralla via plug wrote:

Gotta start re-digging into the settings. Wow, eMail servers are
complex beasts.

On 2023-12-05 10:46 AM, N. Albert via plug wrote:
 > On 12/5/2023 10:17 AM, Casey Bralla via plug wrote:
 >> I'm building an OpenSMTPD mailer server in a virtualbox test
 >> environment.  The test environment has a Bind9 DNS service running
 >> that recognizes XYZ.com as a valid domain.  The test OpenSMTPD mail
 >> server is listed in the DNS as the mail server for that domain.

-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
JP Vossen, CISSP | http://www.jpsdomain.org/ | http://bashcookbook.com/

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