Jonathan Simpson via plug on 26 Apr 2024 05:37:32 -0700 |
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Re: [PLUG] OS/2 Warp 4 Boot Disks Wanted |
___________________________________________________________________________Ha! Brilliant idea. Yes. The files were there and it started to boot.
But... Trap "e" during the boot process.
Hmm.. Might be that SATA disk are too new, and that Warp only knows about IDE disks. My "old" hardware is still SATA.
Gonna try running in a virtualbox with IDE controllers.
On 2024-04-25 07:19 PM, Rich Mingin (PLUG) via plug wrote:
Specifically, look on your CD/ISO for a directory called “images”.
On Thu, Apr 25, 2024 at 19:10 Rich Mingin (PLUG) <> wrote:
You’re using a full legacy internal 3.5” floppy, right? I know the OS2 XDF (aka 1.8MB) floppies generally do *not* read in most modern and all USB 3.5” drives. I *think* the two 1.44MB bootstrap floppies have images/scripts somewhere deep in the CD, but that’s a very old, quite foggy memory.
On Thu, Apr 25, 2024 at 18:50 Casey Bralla via plug <> wrote:
For the past few months, I've allowed my OCD to focus on
retro-computing. I've bought an Apple IIe from eBay, and just recently
got an Osborne 1.
I've also been setting up "museum pieces" on some of my old hardware.
I've got Windows 98 running on an old Pentium III laptop, and would like
to get OS/2 Warp running on an old desktop.
In a paroxysm of 5S'ing a few months ago, I threw away almost all my old
3.5" floppies. Just like the 5S rules say, "you'll have to buy back 10%
of what you throw away", now find I need the 2 OS/2 Warp boot floppies
that I trashed. Luckily, I kept the CD-ROM, but don't have the
floppies. I've tried to pirate them from the internet, but can't seem
to get them to boot on my old hardware. This may be because the pirated
copies are bad, or because my hardware (old that it is) is still too
modern for OS/2. Without boot disks that are known to be good, I can't
really figure out what is happening.
Does anybody have these 2 floppies? If so, could you make a "dd" image
of them for me? (Note: I legally purchased OS/2 many years ago, so this
is not piracy. In fact, I can remember tying up the phone line
overnight in the late 90's to download a major OS/2 update to put them
on 5.25" floppies... I think it was something like 17 disks. It took
hours of long distance on a 33K modem. ugh!)
Please contact me off list if you can help.
Much thanks!
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