Steven Grunza via plug on 14 May 2024 07:34:11 -0700

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[PLUG] Network question

Am I correct in assuming all of these seemingly random TCP connection attempts are attempts to hack into my network?  

The destination address is my DMZ machine.  I tried using Port Forwarding but it didn't work so I am trying DMZ (basically forward everything to a particular machine).

I was able to ssh from a remote machine into my network for about two days before I started getting "no response" messages (I forget the exact message).

I was able to see that while I was trying to connect, there were not packets from the remote network machine I was using, just all this junk.

I really don't want to pay for both home Internet access and AWS services just to host a MQTT-SN / MQTT broker but it's looking like I might need to give up on Comcast being able to provide outside network access to my server.

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