Casey Bralla via plug on 22 Oct 2024 03:36:28 -0700

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[PLUG] CUPS Double-Sided Printing - Flip Direction

When I print anything, I usually select double-sided printing. But every time I get a printout, it has flipped the paper so that when I look at the back side, it's upside-down (ie: it's "flipped").  This happens no matter how I select the 2-sided print options.

Print options always presents either "Long Edge (Standard)" or "Short Edge (Flipped").  But no matter what I select, they always look the same.

This happens on both Brother and HP printers.  It doesn't matter which default settings I choose in CUPS.

This has been happening for over a year, but I don't have a clue why.

Anybody got any ideas?


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