Frank via plug on 9 Feb 2025 12:38:33 -0800

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Re: [PLUG] Network shares not mounting automatically after NIC change

Oh, that's *really* ugly.  But thank you, I imagine that would technically work.

To be fair, though, I'd much rather just type "sudo mount -a" every time I start up my computer than re-mount the shares every minute!

- Frank

On 2/9/25 3:35 PM, Casey Bralla via plug wrote:
This is a real Kludge, but you can put the mount commands into /etc/crontab and remount it every minute.

(I'm kinda ashamed to even suggest this since it's such an ugly solution, but it will get you going until you find the real answer.)

On 2/9/25 3:29 PM, Frank via plug wrote:
On a Linux Mint workstation, I recently switched from using wi-fi to wired Ethernet.  When I was using wi-fi, all of my network shares auto-mounted when the computer started up.  Since I've switched to wired Ethernet, none of the drives are shared when the computer starts.  I have to type "sudo mount -a" every time after this computer starts.  I suspect it's because the NIC on the motherboard is taking longer to start up and the wi-fi chip did, and it's a timing issue. All of the lines in /etc/fstab look like this:

"// /mnt/Music cifs username=[username],password=[password],file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,auto 0 0"

Is there a simple way to fix this?

Thanks, Frank

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