Jack Wilkinson on Thu, 8 Apr 1999 18:07:37 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: Trade Fair ideas

Thursday, 8 April 99, it was written:
> Last night we had the pleasure of having one of the people from the
> Pennsylvania Convention Center with us.  He brought up a proposal for a
> Linux convention to be held at the Convention Center.  May's meeting and
> during this month we will be brainstorming ideas for themes and etc at
> the show.  This is the first of many ideas that will be floated around
> the area.

That's most excellent!  I have a regular committment on wednesdays, so
I'm not able to get to meetings... how can I get involved through
other means on a planning/pr/whatever basis?

Jack Wilkinson <jackw@jounce.net>
President - JounceNET Internet Services
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