Charles Stack on Fri, 13 Aug 1999 10:56:41 -0400 (EDT)

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RE: [Plug] RHAT at 71.5!

>Interesting, but irrelevant.  M$'s market cap of $424 billion is
>still 76 times higher than Red Hat's.  Gates isn't losing any
>sleep over Red Hat's IPO.

I'm not expecting RH to blow M$ out of the water.  Heck, Bill, himself,
could buy RHAT out on the interest of his personal holdings alone. That's
not the point.  What I find so fascinating is that it appears that people
appear to be saying "enough" to M$...we want something better.  It should be
sending a message to M$.  Question is, are they listening to what is being

I used to be M$ drone (until converted by a member of PLUG).  While my work
requires I still develop and support Windows, a pure Linux alternative is
looking VERY promising and likely.  With all the support and press Linux is
receiving from large corporations (Oracle, IBM, Intel), it should now be
possible to "sell" Linux to our clients.  A year ago, such a move would have
been suicide.  Bottom line is we get lower deployment cost, greater security
and, probably, better overall performance.  Clients benefit by getting
powerful hardware and software without having to pay for an outlandishly
expensive OS that is riddled with security and maintenance issues. Bottom
line for our clients is a superior system for a fraction of the cost or
problems associated with a Windows box.

While many aren't fans of RPM, I find it easy to work with.  To me, it makes
it easy to add new "stock" features or upgrade existing items with minimal
effort.  All I need to do is burn a CD with any updates or new features and
write a custom Perl script to handle the installation details. I
am pricing duel PII/PIII systems...

Ahhhhh, life is good.


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