Michael W. Ryan on Wed, 15 Dec 1999 18:26:51 -0500 (EST)

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Re: [Plug] Newbie Note

On Wed, 15 Dec 1999, Vale Kenny wrote:

> Alright--alright--alright already..just jump all over me next time..Jeez, wait
> and see if I hehp *YOU* with your problems.....  ;->
> I prefer mine..fewer steps.. (Harumph)

Fewer steps?  Oh, okay.  If you're in a shell, just type the part before
the first space and hit the tab key. :)

Michael W. Ryan, MCP, MCT     | OTAKON 2000
mryan@netaxs.com              | Convention of Otaku Generation
http://www.netaxs.com/~mryan/ | http://www.otakon.com/

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