Vale Kenny on Tue, 28 Dec 1999 20:22:40 -0500 (EST)

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Re: [Plug] blast from the past...

reverse lookup did it..
Thanks Again all, not I have a chance of going home before 11PM!!
On Tue, 28 Dec 1999, you wrote:
> On Tue, Dec 28, 1999 at 01:04:31PM -0500, Vale Kenny wrote:
> > I remember there being asked here before a questuion concerning latency in
> > telnet and ftp to a Linux server.  
> > I have a Linux server that is not allowing user logons, "connection to host
> > lost".  It's pingable, and occasionally you'll get a logon prompt, but then it
> > just times out..
> > All I need is a big red pointing arrow, not a detailed description..
> > Peace,
> Depending on whats up, it could be several things. If it takes forever
> to connect, it could be trying to resolve names for IP's with no PTR 
> records. Or it could be something as simple as a commented out line
> in inetd.conf, or something disallowing the connection in /etc/hosts.*.
> I dunno. Bust out the rune stones and chicken bones. See whats up on 
> Perhaps an invocation to Belial is in order. 
> Mental
> --
> "you make insanity respectable."
> --Helcat on the subject of Mental.
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